Monday, March 11, 2013


Every Haggadah has a different way of telling the story of the Exodus. Some focus on social justice issues. Some are feminist, or geared toward LGBT families, or academic, or artistic. There are Haggadot just for children, Haggadot for people who want a quick seder, and Haggadot for people who love comic books. There are so many kinds of Haggadot, it can be hard to decide what to get for your seder. What if you want some traditional texts, with something new age-y thrown in, too? What if you want mostly English readings, but all the Hebrew songs?

Enter, a website where you can create your own haggadah using their vast library of clips, texts, prayers, songs, reflections, and artwork. (Some of our favorites include a Muppets parody called "The Matzah Show" and an alternative Four Questions.) Simply browse through the library, choose what strikes for your fancy, and voila! Your own personal Haggadah, ready to print and use on the first 2 nights of Passover, without having to camp out at your synagogue library. But you better get cracking because Passover is less than 3 weeks away.

Now, who's up for 3 versions of Had Gadya?

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